CMC-Conscious Money Creation

Money, the creating of good things, happiness. Everybody wants to have it. You can learn things about money and positive thinking you have never heard before!

Would you like to get rid of all blocks to finally get to like and create money and your life via positive thinking?


Do you want to create your life and your happiness yourself or do you want life to happen to you somehow?


  • Is your life turning out the way you want it or each day is just like any other?
  • Do you look forward to your days that you created with your positive thinking, or you have no idea what will happen to you?
  • Are you aware of the deeply hidden (and blocking) secrets and beliefs within you regarding money and creation that stop you from achieving happiness?
  • Are you tired of this whole thing and you want to be left alone with money issues and positive thinking?
  • Positive thinking does not work for you- is this what you believe and experience?
  • Money flows freely to you... – does it make you upset to hear it?


Well, if you are “fighting” the elements, you should know, that you are not the only one who has trouble with money (and creation)... Whether you have trouble with money does not depend on if you have a lot or little of it.
The root cause is actually not how much money you have but what the quality of your relationship with money is.


It seems almost nobody is “on good terms” with money.


There are very few people who can talk and think about money without negative emotionsDoes the subject of money make you nervous? Does it cause you annoyance, resentment, maybe even shame? How could you be on good terms with money if you have such feelings?


Having these feelings, it is difficult to handle money because if you don't like something, if something causes you concern, maybe even pain, then you tend to avoid that thing. This technique, however, does not help you solve your money issues. Moreover, instead of creating money, these deeply hidden feelings keep money away from you.


Thoughts and feelings connected to money can also originate in the family or childhood and can have an unconscious influence on your current behaviour and relationship with money, preventing you from being in peace and harmony with it. 


Times are different now, we live different lives than our parents did, so everything that was valid then, has become invalid by now. Should we still live by the same principles and thoughts? Wouldn’t you like something else, after all?


Haven’t you had enough of money issues? If not, then this is not for you!


But if you are ready for a change, if you want something much better for yourself, then this is your chance to acquire knowledge that will COMPLETELY CHANGE your life!


In the two-day Conscious Money Creation (CMC) class you can learn to love and create money and find out a lot more. :)


You may have heard about the book titled The Secret; you might have seen the movie or read other books in this subject, yet, my experience is that NOBODY gives you all the secrets because most of them do not know all the secrets.


In the Conscious Money Creation class, you can learn all and the MOST IMPORTANT STEPS OF CREATION.


You will also find out why positive thinking didn’t work for you. (It does work after all, but simple repetition, as people usually use it is not enough).


Nobody else can create a better life for you, but you, and in this class, you will learn everything you need to do. The longer you postpone it, the longer your life will be the way you don’t like it. Do not wait any more, COME to the class so you can start creating what you really like as soon as possible!


Are you ready for a change? We are prepared to have you. All you need to do is come!  :)


I was not born with the knowledge of positive thinking, either. I didn’t have a good relationship with money, either, but I transformed it!


I spent many years learning a lot about money, and I took so much effort to consciously change my relationship with money. Today, I am confident to say that I love money and it makes me feel happy even when I just think of it. (Strange, right? Normally you don’t hear people say that.)


It took me many years, a lot of learning, training, reading books before I first developed the curriculum in 2009. I keep improving the class to include the latest scientific achievements.


If I was able to do it, you could also do it because I have compiled a package of all the knowledge that I have acquired in many years and spending a lot of energy and money, and you can instantly receive it in only two days!!



DURATION:  16 hours




  • you will be able to recognise the family patterns that still have an impact on you;
  • you can understand your beliefs regarding money that prevent you from being happy;
  • you receive working exercises to create a careless relationship with money;
  • you can make friends with money so you can create as much as you want to;
  • you learn what you need to do to be good at positive thinking and achieve happiness;
  • you will understand the COMPLETE process of creation - any creation!


And now, take a deep breath...and breathe out. Take another deep breath and breathe out.  Now, imagine how your life would be if you never had to worry about having enough money. If you were always able to create what you wanted. How would it feel to live like that?




  • Everything was fulfilled exactly the way I expected, or actually, the instructor‘s performance exceeded all expectations :). 
    Every moment of the class was exciting, both the conceptual parts and the exercises fully engaged my attention. Time was flying so fast, I didn’t even notice.
    I would give an A-plus to the instructor for how the training was conducted, everything went smoothly, the atmosphere was absolutely lovely and friendly, without any discomfort. The techniques that were explained are very useful, and I realised what are the things I haven’t applied correctly so far.
    I think I can be very grateful to Erika’s blog (Soul Lifting),...I was amazed how just a few very simple things can work so well, I’ve never thought it before.
    We have received an enormous amount of information and exercises. I liked the setup of the class, the alternation of theory and exercises, we simply couldn’t get bored. 

    I will recommend it to everybody who is in need of it, and I would like to go to all of Erika’s courses. :) Angelika Árvai, winemaker


  • I’m still looking for words to describe this class. 
    I have gained so much in the class regarding the main topic and other areas, too. I use the “BUT” sentences in all areas where I have problems or beliefs. The feeling I have after resolving a problem is so liberating, it’s like paradise! Unbelievable!
    I became more conscious after the class, and I gained a deeper understanding of what I thought I already knew. It is a tough and shocking experience! ...
    I learned a lot in the class and not only about money but also about a number of other things. It meant much more to me than just money. Now, I deal with money well, I made a new record in my earnings, I have never made so much money. I did the BUT sentences, even several times for some topics and I keep practising what we have learned.
    Besides, I had a great time during the class because it is always good being with you! Everything was perfect, like always, Erika!
    I look forward to the next time to learn from you!

    Dia Duzmath :)
  • This class was like medicine! In a good sense, of course!
    There was a very good atmosphere. The personality of the instructor was easy-going and wise, she is simply fascinating! She and her personality are exemplary, credible, loving..
    My expectations were more than fulfilled! 
    I have discovered my weakest link not only in connection with money, but I also realised my “false” starting point in my life in general, where all my other beliefs originated.
    My basic problem was topped with other belief systems, so, it was really difficult to create anything positively, especially to think about myself in a positive way. It was a great and astonishing realisation!
    I would suggest that everybody who lives here as a human being should go to you! Seriously! (K. A.)

  • I had a great time, I learned many different approaches. I have a clearer picture of my connection to money, abundance and situations around me.
    Simply by receiving lots of new information, better understanding my feelings and being able to formulate things better within myself, I have already made tremendous change ever since.
    The meditation sessions, the Stargate and the other puzzle and drawing exercises were very good, it is incredible how much I learned about myself.

    Since I "changed my point of view", it seems I always have enough money for things that are necessary and I can afford everything that I need.
    I don’t have the feeling that I can’t afford something, I have no bad feelings when I pay money for something because I know that by the time I need money again, I will have enough. 
    And it’s true :). (L. R.)



Student’s workbook, certificate of the completion of the class and life-time knowledge, as well as the chance to join the SuperConscious community and have a private profile as a SuperConscious Junior on our website



By completing CMC, you can join the growing community of SuperConscious World™ as a Junior, marked by a green star.
Those who hold a certificate of SuperConscious Self-Coaching™, after completing CMC, can become SCC Executive Mentors based on the courses they took and they can collect more stars as SuperConscious Mentors!


For more information on the membership and on the conditions to join, visit SCC.WORLD. (The link directs you to the website


Click here to see the date of the next training!


Don’t hesitate, apply now, all you can lose is your chains! (If you do not find the class you are looking for, please contact us.)

Official website of Erika Laszlo, coach, trainer, and creator of the chart-based, licensed and trademarked Intuyching® (SuperConscious Self-Coaching™) intuitive energy coaching system.

The logo, brand and method names of SZUPERC Ltd. (Intuyching®, SuperConscious World™, SuperConscious Self-Coaching™, Conscious Money Creation™, TUDKO™-Communication, the DEMERT™ Method, Numeropathy™, Intuytor™) are trademarks and registered trademarks in the EU and in WIPO countries, internationally protected by the Madrid Protocol (WIPO's Madrid System).

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